Mongo on Mac OS

Easy way to install mongodb on Mac OS...

1. Download the suitable version for your mac...
2. Unzip to your specific folder...
    ex: $HOME/opt/mongo-xxxx.tgz
3. Create default db file path: /data/db/
    $> sudo mkdir -p /data/db
4. Change permission of db file path
    $> sudo chown USER:staff /data
    $> sudo chown USER:staff /data/db
5. Start service
    $> cd $MONGODB_HOME/bin
    $> ./mongod

Test for connection:
1. Connect DB:
    $> cd $MONGODB_HOME/bin
    $> ./mongo
2. If no error, you will got prompt '>', try simple computing...
    > 3 + 3
    (and it will result...)
    > 6


